Category Archives: event-wrapup

Proekspert 30 – Seminar & Dinner
Last week I had the pleasure of hosting the Proekspert 30 event in Tallinn. This software development company was celebrating 30 years and bringing together current and former employees plus valued partners from across Europe. The day started with a seminar in the Tallinn Film Museum in Pirita. The introduction from Reigo Ahven was excellent,…

Big Week of Hosting Investor Events – EstBAN10 & EAS Go Global Awards
Last week I did two separate but related events in Tallinn dealing with startups, investors and International partnerships EstBAN10 EstBAN is the Estonian Business Angels Network and they were celebrating their 10th anniversary with a daytime summit and evening Gala. I was co-host of the daytime summit along with Kristel Kruustuk. Kristel is better known…

Thermory 25 Evening Event
Thermory is a great Estonian company celebrating 25 years this year. This is significant milestone as Estonia has only been re-independent for ~30 years or go. They are manufacturers of high quality thermally treated wood for inside and outside use. Their products look really beautiful and have a lovely sensory feeling of touch and smell…

Cybers Nordic Baltic Security Summit 2022
Last week was the annual Nordic Baltic Security Summit 2022 organized by Cybers and Confent events agency. I have hosted the main stage of this event several times before and I really enjoy doing it. It’s common that people in the audience know me from my work with Comedy Estonia but they don’t know I…

Nordic Investment Bank Hosting 2022
This week I worked on an event for the Nordic Investment Bank who are an international investment bank, owned by something like 8 governments and having head quarters in Helsinki. The main organizing company was Lataamo from Finland however the event took place in Tallinn. We spent the daytime down by Stroomi beach where the…

JA Eesti #GEN_E Award Ceremony
I have done so many events this summer I almost forgot about this one! Last month I was hosting the Junior Achievement Eesti Gala Awards night, a huge event with over 700 people from all over Europe at the Lennusadam in Tallinn. I was joined on the stage by the delightful and talented friend of…

Main Stage Host – sTARTUp Day 2022
Last week I was fortunate enough to once again host the main stage at sTARTUp Day this year. I really love this event, I have been involved as a host since it’s inception in 2016 and I am proud to still be a part of it. What impresses me about sTARTUp Day each year is…

Ridango Summer Days 2022
In July I hosted a Summer Days for Estonian company Ridango, who produce the machines which validate your green card on public transport. We were out in the Estonian countryside and had a fun day of activities. Jolos were the agency behind the event and the main activity was creating their own episode of a…

Hosting the European Design Awards 2022
This week I had the pleasure of hosting the gala event for the European Design Awards 2022 in Kultuurikatel in Tallinn. The European Design Awards have been around for a number of years but were slowed down by the pandemic. Last year the event was held virtually from here in Tallinn and I was the…