Cybers Nordic Baltic Security Summit 2022

Last week was the annual Nordic Baltic Security Summit 2022 organized by Cybers and Confent events agency. I have hosted the main stage of this event several times before and I really enjoy doing it. It’s common that people in the audience know me from my work with Comedy Estonia but they don’t know I have a Masters degree in Computer Science and it’s good to get a refresher on the latest cyber security news each year.

Confent organize the event and I really like the format of the main stage: the speakers talk is shorter and there is always 5 to 10 minutes of dedicated time for questions at the end. We get two couches on the stage and I get a chance to dig into the speakers topics. This keeps me busy all day as I need to be watching so I can come up with interesting questions for the stage. We also use the WorksUp tool to elicit questions from the audience and my job is to blend my questions, along with audience input to form an interesting conversation on the stage.

Thank you to Confent and Cybers for your faith in my work and allowing me the freedom to host in my own style. I really like this event and I look forward to it next year.

All photos by Rene Lutterus