All posts by Louis Zezeran

sTARTUp Day 2024 was Tremendous!
Once again the day proves it’s the premiere business in The Baltics

I’ll coach your talk at sTARTUp Day 2024
Young speakers and entrepreneurs! sTARTUp Day have a very cool opportunity to get on stage I will help you craft your presentation. We can have some sessions before the event going over your script and presentation technique. On the day I’ll be there to support you as you take the stage. Second place gets event…

Video Project: “Study in Europe”
Earlier this year I was asked to be in another video, this time to promote the virtues of Studying in Europe. In the clip I play a nutter professor type and I am glad I have a good video to show my new beard. My own conjecture and “head cannon” as the actor is that…

Estonian Aviation Academy Video
It seems like a very long time ago but sometime in winter 2021 we filmed a promo video for the Estonian Aviation Academy. This was a 1 day shoot onsite at the maintenance facilities at Tallinn Airport. I appreciate the Aviation Academy picking me to be in the video as I was previously “the pilot”…

Working as a Combat Ready Leadership Instructor
I am really glad to say that in addition to my work with Comedy Estonia, I am joining Estonian leadership training company Combat Ready. I’ll be an instructor and working on International business development. I met these guys in March at sTARTUp Day when I hosted the main stage where Remo and Aleksandr were giving…

Kuldmuna Winning Events in 2022!
As an event host it is a pleasure to see some of the events I worked on become nominated and win several awards at this years “Kuldmuna” ceremony. Kuldmuna is the marketing and event association of Estonia and this awards are the highlight of the industry each year. Gold – Internal Communication – “Badgers on…

Proekspert 30 – Seminar & Dinner
Last week I had the pleasure of hosting the Proekspert 30 event in Tallinn. This software development company was celebrating 30 years and bringing together current and former employees plus valued partners from across Europe. The day started with a seminar in the Tallinn Film Museum in Pirita. The introduction from Reigo Ahven was excellent,…

Big Week of Hosting Investor Events – EstBAN10 & EAS Go Global Awards
Last week I did two separate but related events in Tallinn dealing with startups, investors and International partnerships EstBAN10 EstBAN is the Estonian Business Angels Network and they were celebrating their 10th anniversary with a daytime summit and evening Gala. I was co-host of the daytime summit along with Kristel Kruustuk. Kristel is better known…

Thermory 25 Evening Event
Thermory is a great Estonian company celebrating 25 years this year. This is significant milestone as Estonia has only been re-independent for ~30 years or go. They are manufacturers of high quality thermally treated wood for inside and outside use. Their products look really beautiful and have a lovely sensory feeling of touch and smell…